We met again just 3 weeks later. Again, it was at a LA music venue and a complete shock. This time I had gone to the Echo with some friends for a Maria Taylor/Whispertown2000 show. A couple of my sisters were attending as well but we drove in separate cars--the friends I was with are law-abiding citizens and my sisters had plans to smoke a few bowls before the show. I was a bit disappointed that I would be missing out, but as my grandmother says, everything happens for a reason.
When we arrived I found, to my great horror, that my name was not on the will-call list and the show was sold out. I was deeply upset and explained to the woman at the window that I had indeed purchased my tickets (months in advance no less) and could not understand why her list failed to say so. She was quite understanding, let me in, and told me to come see her when the rest of my party turned up so that they could get in as well (my sisters' tickets were also under my name).
About 15 minutes later I received a text message from my sisters announcing their arrival. I passed my beer to a friend for safe-keeping and carved a path through the crowd to the entry way. As we stood at the window remind the woman of our situation, who should walk in but Jenny Lewis and Johnathan Rice! I was facing the door and thus saw them enter, but my sisters' backs were to it. They saw only my eyes grow wide and my mouth open slightly leaving my face with a mark of disbelief. Confused they looked at me as I, speechless, motioned with my head trying to get them to turn around. After what seemed like forever, they caught my drift and turned to the door. My older sister, who had just taken a natural anti-anxiety, said coolly "oh hey. I'm sure you don't remember me, but I met you guys a few weeks ago at the Bright Eyes show." For after my encounter, my sister too had to meet JL herself.
“Oh yeah, I remember you.” Jenny lied. “How’s it going?” My sister pointed to us “these are my sisters.” I smiled, eyes still wide in shock and slowly shook my hand in front of me vaguely resembling a wave. Jenny looked us over and smiled “You’re all sisters? Wow. What’s the order?” Recovered a bit, I pointed to my older sister “her, then me, then her.” Jenny nodded then put her hand on my younger sister’s shoulder, “aw, so you’re the baby?” Here my sister informed her that there were in fact three younger ones at home. “More little ones?” Jenny asked slightly bending her knees and motioning down with her arm symbolizing smaller people. “Weavareallybigfamily!” I blurted out. Jenny turned to me and gave a slight smile while my sister gave me a what-the-hell-was-that look. Face flushed, I let them enter the main room first, then returned to my friends. Coincidentally, Jenny and Johnathan happened to be standing just behind them and remained there for most of the show. This made me both nervous and happy, and allowed me to claim that I hung out with them. My friends informed me that standing in front of someone, with whom you briefly and awkwardly exchanged only a few words does not constitute hanging out; I disagree.